Unlocking Leaders is a free 10-week, evidence-based, skill development program for youths that focuses on enhancing 21st century skills through project-based learning and activity-based learning. Unlocking Leaders Program offers quality programming that work to promote three main areas: learning skills, life skills and literacy skills by working through sequential units and completing an independent project to showcase their ideal leader!
- Learning skills - skills needed to succeed such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication.
- Life skills - skills needed to get through day-to-day challenges like adaptability, initiative, grit.
- Literacy skills - skills needed to access information and use technology.
Program Suitability Criteria
- Youth aged 15-30 years old, who want to feel confident as a leader.
- Youth who want to build their confidence with solving problems, working in a team, and communicating with others!
- Youth who are motivated to learn, get creative and engage with others!
Interested in learning more about the Unlocking Leaders Program? Please contact: unlockingleaders@abilitiescentre.org
This program is generously supported by RBC Foundation.