Archery 2 You
Location: Oshawa
Website: Archery 2 You - Family Fun Archery
Instagram: @archery2you
Artistic Swimming
Remix Artistic Swimming Club
Location: Toronto
Website: https://www.remixartswim.ca/page/home
Instagram: @remixartswim
Ignite Artistic Swimming Club
Location: Burlington
Website: https://www.igniteartisticswimming.com/
Instagram: @ignt.artistic
Boxing without Barriers
Location: Ottawa
Website: https://www.boxingwithoutbarriers.ca/
Instagram: @boxingwithoutbarriers
Dragon Boat
Rusty Dragons
Location: Toronto
Website: Mixed Ability Sport - Rusty Dragon Adventures (rustydragons.ca)
Instagram: @rusty.dragons
Floor Curling
Abilities Centre
Location: Whitby
Website: Abilities Centre (learningstream.com)
Instagram: @mixedabilitysportcanada
Markham YMCA
Location: Markham
Website: Markham YMCA (ymcagta.org)
Instagram: @ymcagta
Oshawa YMCA
Location: Oshawa
Website: Oshawa YMCA (ymcagta.org)
Instagram: @ymcagta
West End YMCA
Location: Toronto
Website: West End YMCA (ymcagta.org)
Instagram: @ymcagta
Next Level Lacrosse
Location: Whitby
Website: https://www.nextlevellacrosse.ca/
Abilities Centre
Location: Whitby
Website: Abilities Centre (learningstream.com)
Instagram: @mixedabilitysportcanada
Markham YMCA
Location: Markham
Website: Markham YMCA (ymcagta.org)
Instagram: @ymcagta
Oshawa YMCA
Location: Oshawa
Website: Oshawa YMCA (ymcagta.org)
Instagram: @ymcagta
Location: Oshawa
Website: https://hisports.ca/
Instagram: @hisports_pickleball
Ringette for All
Location: Ottawa
Website: Ringette for All – Where everyone gets to play! – City of Ottawa Ringette
Instagram: @ringetteforall
Ringette for All
Location: Calgary
Website: Ringette for All - Ringette Calgary
Instagram: @rfacalgary
Ringette for All
Location: Edmonton
Website: Ringette For All - Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues Ringette : Website by RAMP InterActive (edmontonringette.com)
Instagram: @rfaedmonton
Oshawa Vikings
Location: Oshawa
Website: https://www.vikingsrugby.ca/
Instagram: @Vikingsrugbyrfc
Muddy York
Location: Toronto
Website: https://www.muddyyork.ca/
Instagram: @muddyyorkrfc
Peterborough Pagans
Location: Peterborough
Website: http://www.peterboroughrugby.com/
Instagram: @ptborugby
Coburg Saxons
Location: Coburg
Website: https://www.cobourgrugby.com/
Instagram: @cobourgsaxonsrugby
Fergus Highland
Location: Fergus
Website: https://www.highlandrugby.com/
Instagram: @highland_rugby
Caledon Cavaliers
Location: Caledon
Website: https://www.caledoncavaliersrugby.ca/
Instagram: @caledoncavaliersrugby
Aurora Barbs
Location: Aurora
Website: https://abrfc.ca/
Instagram: @aurorabarbs
Guelph Jr Gryphons
Location: Guelph
Website: https://guelphrugby.com/
Instagram: @guelphjrgryphons
Waterloo County Rugby
Location: Waterloo
Website: https://www.waterloocountyrugby.com/
Instagram: @waterloocountyrugby
Scarborough RFC
Location: Scarborough
Instagram: @scarboroughrfc