In Canada, the sport sector has made it a priority to ensure people have opportunities for positive sport participation throughout their lifespan. However, many people consistently face barriers to accessing mainstream sport. People’s opportunities and choices about where and how they participate are impacted by their age, disability, and gender, among other things.
There is an opportunity to radically transform the way sport and recreation are delivered in Canada and break down barriers to participation, through Mixed Ability Sport.
Mixed Ability Sport introduces a fundamental change to the current conditions for grassroots sport participation, redefining the way we think of, join in, and participate in sport.
In February 2020, Abilities Centre partnered with International Mixed Ability Sports (IMAS) to become the exclusive developers and delivery agents for Mixed Ability Sport in Canada.
Through this partnership, Mixed Ability Sport presents an exciting opportunity to engage EVERYONE in sport.
” I have always been left out of things like sports, friends or trying new things. Mixed Ability Sport has allowed me to feel comfortable with who I am- someone that can share their experience to make sure no one else faces the barriers I faced. "
– Mixed Ability Sport Athlete
Through Mixed Ability Sport all individuals have the opportunity to participate and engage in mainstream sport teams, as equal and valued members, developing a sense of membership and belonging within the community.