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All new study submissions require a fulsome protocol. 
Please note that the JREB does not require hard copy submissions. Given policy constraints regarding electronic signatures, instead of e-signing forms, please do one of the following: 

1. Scan signed hard-copy forms with signatures and email them to

2. Attach emails from individuals whose signatures are requested on application forms. These emails should state that the email serves as an indication of approval of the specific forms their approval is required on (please list these in the email). The email should also contain a statement that indicates that the email serves in lieu of a hard-copy signature. 

Initial Submissions

New Study Submissions 
Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form
General JREB Application Form
Guidelines for JREB Application

Research Intake Analysis (RIA) Form
All studies must have the following form filled: 
Research Intake Analysis (RIA
(Please submit completed RIA form with the approval signature from Emilie Michalovic (Director, Research).

Resources for New Study Submissions:
General Submission Checklist
Informed Consent Checklist

Post- Approval (Where Ongoing Review is Required) 
Amendment Forms
(for changes to protocol, consent form(s), study materials, or study personnel)
Amendment Checklist and Report
Change in Principal Investigator Application Form
Change in Study Personnel Amendment Form
Annual Review Form (for continuing a study)
JREB Application for Annual/Continuing Approval

Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Reporting
Incident Report Form
Local Serious Adverse Event (SAE) Reporting Form

Protocol Deviations 
Protocol Deviation Guidelines and Report

Study Closure
Final Study Closure (for closing a study): 
Final Study Closure Report

Mandatory Tutorials

TCPS-2 Online Tutorial Course on Research Ethics (CORE)
Each member of the study team (including students) must complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS-2) online tutorial and submit a copy of the certificate of completion with their initial research submission before beginning a research study.  
Once submitted to the Joint Research Ethics Board it will be kept on file and is not required to be resubmitted for future studies. However, the completion of the tutorial must be checked off on the submission checklist for future submissions.
To complete the TCPS-2 online tutorial please click on the following link:

Mandatory Privacy Online Tutorial
Each member of the study team (including students) must complete the McMaster Privacy online tutorial and submit a copy of the certificate of completion with their initial research submission before beginning a research study. 
To complete the McMaster Privacy online tutorial, please click on the following link:
Please note that there is content throughout the tutorial that is specific to the procedures of St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, McMaster University and Hamilton Health Sciences. Please focus on the educational components.

Guidelines and Templates

General Application Guidelines:
Guidelines for JREB Application
Toronto Academic Health Sciences Network (TAHSN) Guidelines for Research Ethics Review involving Human Beings
Submission Flow Chart for Full JREB Review
The Difference between Quality Assurance and Research

Consent Form Templates and Guidelines:
Informed Consent Template- Clinical Trial
Assent Form Template’
Sample Audio/Video Consent Form Template Clinical’

Protocol Guidance and Templates
Study Protocol Template 

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