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As announced today by the Ontario Government, Durham Region will enter the province-wide Shutdown for a period of 4 weeks effective Saturday, April 3 at 12:01am in an effort to keep our region safe and lower the contact of COVID-19. The latest version of the Ontario framework can be viewed at COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open |
At this time, we are confirming that all previously scheduled rentals and in-person programs aside from exemptions listed below, are cancelled until further notice.
Physical Therapy sessions will continue for people with disabilities. Under the amended regulations to the Reopening Ontario Act, people with disabilities are permitted to access physical therapy at recreational centres such as ours. With this in mind, we will continue to work with members who have written instruction from a regulated healthcare professional, to ensure they are able to continue to receive critical services.

Programs Update:
  • Post Rehabilitation (TIME in-person under amendment; Respiratory Cardiac Maintenance - virtual)
  • Academy for Student Athlete Development (continue in person as permitted by school boards DDSB, DCDSB, TVDSB and under Ministry of Education Guidelines)
  • Personal training (1:1 in person as per the amendment for physical therapy)
  • Virtual Fitness Classes and programs (Please join us on AC Virtual World for fitness classes and programs
  • Thrive (virtual)
  • EmployAbilities (virtual)
  • Leadership in Training (virtual)
  • Therapeutic Recreation (virtual)
  • Pathways (virtual)
  • Rentals (under the exemptions for high performance athletes training for the next Olympic and Paralympic Games)
AC Virtual World
We are pleased to say, there are alternative options to staying active with us as a member! A virtual membership gives you access to new classes weekly from Abilities Centre, plus our partners from the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. All classes vary in intensity. With each class, the instructors provide a standing and seated option, as well as variations for impact and intensity. It’s a great way to staff active! Learn more
We are incredibly grateful for the continued support from our staff, members, participants and community during these unprecedented times. We look forward to operating back at full capacity once it is safe to do so and until then, we encourage you to stay positive and stay connected with us for any updates.
Thank you and please stay safe.

Stay in touch with us by subscribing to our eNewsletter and follow us on
social media @abilitiescentre on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.
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