Admissions Process (
Step 1: Email to express your interest. (Sept. – Dec.)
You will be added to an email list and will be invited to ASAD events.
(information sessions and day in the life)
Step 2: Parent and Athlete must attend an information session (Jan. – Feb.)
It is recommended for all applicants, plus at least one parent or guardian to be present at the information night. If a parent/guardian is unavailable to attend the info night, we recommend that they schedule a time to come in and meet with the staff before the application deadline. The nature of the program involves coordinating many aspects of the student-athletes life (ie. transportation, class scheduling, graduation planning etc.), thus it is imperative that parents are fully engaged proactively with a strong understanding of how our program operates.
Here you will meet some staff, tour the facility, and learn about the program.
Step 3: Submit application. (Feb. – Mar.)
Step 4: Attend a “Day in the life” (Mar. – Apr.)
This will act as an “evaluation” (try out), meet the coach/current students.
Athletes, parents and coaches are always welcome and strongly encouraged to observe our training program firsthand before applying. Please set up an appointment with the staff on the campus you are interested in.
Step 5: Offers sent – registration. (end of April)
The admission process takes into consideration the applicant’s:
- athletic achievement
- athletic character, attitude and work ethic (coach references will be taken into consideration)
- academic character, attitude and work ethic (academic references will be taken into consideration)
While applicants are strongly weighted towards athletic achievement as per our program’s mandate, we will also be taking into consideration the other essential elements of the applicant’s overall character and what that individual brings to the program. We are looking for student-athletes who will contribute positively to the CSS program and daily environment.