Quality of Life

Our goal at Abilities Centre is to support individuals of all abilities in pursuing the goals that matter most to them. In the process, we are creating a model of an inclusive community with the power to transform how people with disabilities participate in Canada's recreational, social and economic life.
Case for Support:
- Millions of Canadians live every day feeling they are less than fully valued members of their community
- 6.2 million Canadians age 15+ have a disability
- 1 in 5 Canadians have a disability and experience significant impact on quality of life.
Abilities Centre Impact:
- 30% of Abilities Centre membership consist of Canadians with disabilities regularly participating in community.
- Returning members of Post-Rehabilitation programming continue to see increases in Quality of Life year over year—an overall 13% increase was noted this year.
- Individuals participating in Abilities Centre programming attain volunteer and employment opportunities, independently use public transportation, and transition to independent living—three examples of life skill goals identified by program participants.
Social Inclusion

Abilities Centre is a model of an accessible and inclusive community in action. We are a living lab dedicated to making our community truly welcoming for all.
What does inclusion mean to Abilities Centre? “To encourage people of varying abilities to engage in meaningful participation together in an environment which fosters a sense of belongingness and autonomy.” (Active Living Alliance)
Case for Support:
- 1 in 3 Canadians feel they do not have a strong sense of belonging in their community
- Millions of people in Canada live every day feeling that they are less than fully valued members of their community.
Abilities Centre Impact:
- Abilities Centre delivered physical literacy and inclusion training to 4,361 people.
- 288, 500 visitors and members were welcomed into Abilities Centre’s accessible state-of-the-art facility this year.
- Abilities Centre is the exclusive developer and delivery agent for Mixed Ability Sport in Canada. Turn out for the Mixed Ability Rugby program exceeded expectations by 150%.
Health & Well-Being

Abilities Centre provides opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to find what they are passionate about! We provide a variety of options to participate in sports and recreation, develop physical literacy and be active for life, build learn and maintain life skills, and increase independence and resilience.
Case for Support:
- 50% of Canadians experience mental illness by age 40
- The economic cost of mental illness is estimated to be 7.9 billion
- 1 in 10 children and youth meet physical activity guidelines
- 2 in 10 adults meet physical activity guidelines, even less for identifying women and girls
- As few as 3% of Canadians with disabilities are regularly participating in organized physical activity
Abilities Centre Impact:
- 109 student-athletes enrolled in the Academy of Student Athlete development participate in regular sessions on nutrition, psychological well-being, and strength and conditioning.
- 37% of Abilities Centre memberships are Family memberships—families participating in sport, recreation and leisure together, building overall health & well-being and bolstering the family unit.
- Abilities Centre offers programming for all age ranges.
Economic Participation

Abilities Centre aims to develop knowledge of employment skills and labour market opportunities; bolster resilience, confidence and readiness among youth as they enter the labour market; change knowledge and attitudes about inclusion and working with people of all abilities; and improve knowledge and confidence in skills needed to be a young leader in today’s labour market.
Case for Support:
- 22.3% of Canada’s 15.2 million households contains at least one member living with a disability; The consumer spending of those households equals $215.7 billion
- 31% of youth with disabilities are not in school or employed
- An estimated 411,600 people with disabilities are not employed but have the potential to work
Abilities Centre Impact:
- 120 jobs provided by Abilities Centre to the local community—35% of which are filled by individuals with disabilities
- Abilities Centre partners with employers in local businesses for every employment and life skills program we offer—building capacity in the local job market for inclusion and accessibility.
- Leading Equitable & Accessible Delivery (LEAD) was delivered to 9 organizations across Canada this year, creating action groups focused on supporting inclusive employment.
- 322 young people developed knowledge of employment skills and labour market opportunities as a direct result of participating in Abilities Centre programming.
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