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4-Week Summer Leaders in Training Program (Ages 10-14) 

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Goal: To develop competent and confident youth leaders capable of supporting camp programs in August.   

Weekly Themes: 

Week 1: Responsibility & Leadership Foundations

Week 2: Respect & Teamwork

Week 3: Integrity & Problem-Solving 

Week 4: Program Planning & Implementation 

Daily Schedule: 

9:00 - 10:15 AM: Welcome & Icebreaker   

10:15 - 10:30 AM: Snack   

10:30 - 11:45 AM: Professional Development Session   

12:00 - 1:00 PM: Lunch   

1:00 - 2:00 PM: Group Activity / Team Challenge   

2:00 - 2:15 PM: Snack   

2:30 - 3:30 PM: Hands-On Leadership Training   

3:30 - 4:00 PM: Reflection & Wrap-Up   

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