Giving Tuesday is a movement for giving and volunteering during the start of the holiday season. Opening day of the Giving Season takes place after Black Friday and the day after Cyber Monday, when charities, companies and individuals join together to think about others, share commitments and rally for favourite causes.
Abilities Centre is counting on your continued generosity to help make a difference! To learn more about our impact, we have shared some stories below.
When you donate on Giving Tuesday, your donation goes directly to helping participants get access to these programs:

Over the course of the pandemic, our adult day program for people with disabilities, Thrive, adapted quickly to ensure programs were available in a virtual setting in effort to keep normalcy and routine in the participant’s lives. The Thrive team implemented programs such as Thrive Connection, Teen Thrive Connection, Weekly Parking Lot programs, Return to Thrive In Person programming and Pathways.
Since the pandemic, Thrive has conducted over 500 Virtual sessions. We continue to implement daily virtual programming to our participants, while also offering in-person sessions as well as dance fit parking lot sessions!
Therapeutic Recreation:

This year, our Therapeutic Recreation Team went above and beyond to be able to continue engaging with participants through virtual programming. The team provided social interaction opportunities and physical activity throughout and participants loved it! All participants were provided with activity boxes to fully participate in program. We have since welcomed participants back to the centre in physically distant programming and continue to provide virtual sessions alongside in-person program.
You. Me. We:

Our You, Me, We Summertime program allowed Abilities Centre to re-imagine what summer camp looks like! The program engaged kids from all areas of Ontario and Canada in camp activities including camp songs, physical activity, social interaction, and FUN. The You Me We programming focusses on providing quality inclusive physical activity in a virtual environment and has led to the development our new program; You, Me, We Virtually Together. This initiative has seen Abilities Centre engaging with multiple children’s hospitals and treatment centres and their communities to engage kids both at home and in hospitals to further mission of social inclusion!
Post Rehabilitation:
To donate, please visit our Canada Helps page:
Abilities Centre | Giving Tuesday Campaign | Canadahelps