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Abilities Centre is proud to partner and collaborate with many academic researchers to conduct novel research across Canada.

Below we highlight one of our recent initiatives, the National Disability Survey, and our publications from the last 7 years. This research has been conducted in partnership with various academic research labs. We look forward to more collaborations in the future and new publications that advance the literature in accessibility and inclusion.

National Disability Survey Report: September 2021-April 2022

The COVID-19 National Disability Survey was a special initiative to record the experiences, concerns and needs of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 outbreak and recovery period.

The survey’s findings will provide important information to help communities identify strategies to meet the needs of people of all abilities.

COVID-19 Disability Report (Sept 2021-April 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report-(Sept 2021-April 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report- Plain Language (Sept 2021-April 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report ASL (Sept 2021-April 2022)
ENQUÊTE SUR LA COVID-19 (sept. 2021-avril 2022)

COVID-19 Disability Report (Dec 2021-Sept 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report (Dec 2021-Sept 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report- Plain Language  (Dec 2021-Sept 2022)
COVID-19 Disability Report ASL  (Dec 2021-Sept 2022)
ENQUÊTE SUR LA COVID-19 (déc. 2021- sept. 2022)

COVID-19 Disability Report (June 2020- Dec 2020)

COVID-19 Disability Survey, June 2020-December 2020
COVID-19 Disability Survey- Plain Language, June 2020-December 2020 
COVID-19 Disability Survey- ASL , June 2020-December 2020 
ENQUÊTE SUR LA COVID-19, juin 2020-décembre 2020

Abilities Centre Publications 

Academic Journal Articles:

Pushkarenko, K., Cavell, M., Gosse, N., & Michalovic, E. (2023). Physical literacy and the participant perspective: Exploring the value of physical literacy according to individuals experiencing disability through composite narratives. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness.

Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K.P., Kuzik, N., Vanderloo, L.M., Martin Ginis, K.A., James, M.E., Bassett-Gunter, R.L., Ruttle, D., DaSilva, P., Disimino, K., Cameron, C., Arthur, M., Shikako-Thomas, K., & Latimer-Cheung, A.E. (in press). The Canadian report card on the physical activity of children and youth with disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

Gee, C.M., Hoekstra, F., Ubede-Colomer, J., Knibbe, T.J., DaSilva, P., Martin Ginis, K.A. (2022). Physical activity, well-being, and the needs of Canadians with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Disabilities., 2, 681-693.
Meijer, K., Hoekstra, T., Brandenbarg, P., COVID-19 Disability Survey Group, ReSpAct 2.0 Group, & Hoekstra, F. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and social isolation among adults with physical disabilities living in Canada and the Netherlands. Disabilities, 2(4), 778-794.

Rowland, Knibbe, T. J., English, K., Lindsay, S., & McPherson, A. C. (2022). “Oh I try, but it’s so hard”: Parental experiences of health promotion in children with disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44(18), 5133–5140.
Shirazipour, Evans, M. B., Leo, J., Lithopoulos, A., Martin Ginis, K. A., & Latimer-Cheung, A. E. (2020). Program conditions that foster quality physical activity participation experiences for people with a physical disability: A systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation., 42(2), 147–155.

Jachyra, Anagnostou, E., Knibbe, T. J., Petta, C., Cosgrove, S., Chen, L., Capano, L., Moltisanti, L., & McPherson, A. C. (2019). “Girls don’t have big tummies”: The experiences of weight-related discussions for children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism., 23(5), 1096–1105.

Arbour-Nicitopoulos, Boross-Harmer, A., Leo, J., Allison, A., Bremner, R., Taverna, F., Sora, D., & Wright, F. V. (2018). Igniting Fitness Possibilities: A case study of an inclusive community-based physical literacy program for children and youth. Leisure = Loisir, 42(1), 69–92.

Jachyra, Anagnostou, E., Knibbe, T. J., Petta, C., Cosgrove, S., Chen, L., Capano, L., Moltisanti, L., & McPherson, A. C. (2018). Weighty conversations: Caregivers’, children’s, and clinicians’ perspectives and experiences of discussing weight-related topics in healthcare consultations. Autism Research., 11(11), 1500–1510.

Leo, J. A., Faulkner, G., Volfson, Z., Bassett-Gunter, R., & Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K. (2018). Physical activity preferences, attitudes, and behaviour of children and youth with physical disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal52(2), 140-153.

Leo J., Knibbe T.J., & Fitzpatrick A. (2018). Physical literacy before the bell rings: A before-school physical activity program. Physical & Health Education Journal, 84(1), 1–5.

Tomasone, Sweet, S. N., McReynolds, S., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2017). A multilevel modeling approach to examining the implementation-effectiveness relationship of a behavior change intervention for health care professional trainees. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7(3), 603–614.

Barber, W., Robertson, L., & Leo, J. (2016). A new approach to fully accessible physical education. Physical and Health Education Journal, 82(2), 1-11.

Zitzelsberger, H., & Leo, J. (2016). A place for everyone? The challenge of promoting community inclusion at a recreation centre. International Journal of Health, Wellness & Society6(1).

Abilities Centre in the Literature: 

Gold, & Bulmer, A. (2022). Creative enabling: Relations and structures of support for disabled artists. Canadian Theatre Review, 190, 19–23.

Pearson, E., & Misener, L. (2022). Disability, access, and inclusion. In N. Wise & K. Maguire (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Event Impacts. (pp. 203-213). Edward Elgar Publishing.

McCormick, A., Alazem, H., Hunt, C., Zaidi, S., & Dixon, C. (2019). Robotic walkers for children and youth with cerebral palsy: A review of past successes and ongoing advancement. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Control, Dynamic Systems and Robotics.

Sheehan, D., Robinson, D., & Randall, L. (2019). Physical literacy in Canada. M. Whitehead (Ed.), Physical Literacy Across the World (pp. 125-142). Routledge.  

Barber. (2018). Inclusive and accessible physical education: Rethinking ability and disability in pre-service teacher education. Sport, Education and Society, 23(6), 520–532.

Cunningham, E. (2016). One step at a time: Improving the quality of life of individuals with lung cancer. UPDATE: An official publication of the Ontario Respiratory Care Society. 32(2), 6-7.

Betteridge, J. G. (2014). A Snapshot of programs, services and partnerships to address mental health and aging in the context of disability and chronic disease in Canada. Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation.

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